Shipping, Delivery Logistics & Policies
We wish every customer lived right next door to our warehouse so they could just run over here and pickup what they need. Unfortunately, that is not the case. We do have, however, a number of ways to be logistically efficient and able to help get your goods to you. Below are some of the avenues available:
For smaller shipments:
Post Office
UPS & Fed Ex
You and Your Truck Picks It Up
Our Truck (Lubbock County & Surrounding Counties)
For larger shipments or merchandise that is too large, considered pallet size or long goods:
You andYour Truck Picks It Up
Motor Freight
Our Truck (Lubbock County & Surrounding Counties)
For REALLY large shipments or merchandise that might qualify for direct shipments from factory directly to you:
On the Largest orders, especially on semi-truckload amounts of goods, they can be delivered and sometimes the freight even be paid for by the factory.
Just call us with your order and we can explore the different ways we can get it to you along with an idea of the cost.